As we enter into a new world of consumer behaviour driven by the growing urge for instant fulfilment, manufacturers are finding that they have to constantly innovate with new products to stay relevant in their respective industries.

Translating this agility to the & of your manufacturing operations, requires a robotic process enabled by an intuitive inter-operable automation platform.

TM : The no-code platform to enable a flexible and scalable robotic process for your manufacturing operations

connect different robotic systems together

With our extensive list of pre-built integrations, easily connect different robotic and automation systems together without worrying about interoperability.

automation processes yourself

Just drag and drop function blocks to create your desired automation solution. No more struggles with complex and custom built integration software.

your automated processes

Add new automation or robotic systems to your existing operations when you want to or need to, without worrying about disrupting your existing operations.

Enabling Automation, Empowering Operators

syncOSTM is a system of integrated building blocks of automation which allows operators to easily change or deploy automation with minimal technical knowledge. Each sub-system can be changed anytime to meet varying requirements and re-deployed like a whole new solution.

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